Active members may now access their membership statements online via their TRS account. The statements provide valuable account information, such as an account balance, the lump-sum value of an account, estimated projections, as well as beneficiary and service credit information.
The information and projections provided in these statements are only estimates and are subject to audit and adjustment. The information contained in your statement should not be regarded as a final benefit estimate. If you notice a discrepancy in the information provided, you should contact TRS. Also, if you are considering retiring soon, please contact TRS for a more detailed benefit estimate.
Please note, annual statements are based on the fiscal year which ends on June 30. The annual membership statements will be uploaded into your online accounts in December of each year. You can get the most up to date information about your account by logging in at any time.
Members Within 2 Years of Retirement:
If you are within 2 years of retirement (either because of your age or years of creditable service), TRS recommends that you make an appointment with a retirement counselor through your online account. The session affords you the opportunity to bring a spouse/friend, receive benefit information specific to your situation, and ask questions.
Viewing/Downloading Your Statement
- Go to www.TRSGA.com
- Click the My TRS Login button
- Click on the Active Member/Retiree Login button.
- Either login to your existing account OR sign up for an account.
- Click the Download My Annual Member Statement link on the right.
- Click the PDF link.