Hiring Employees Vested In ERS of Georgia

Can the Employee Remain a Member of ERS?

Legislation (HB 661) was passed and became effective July 1, 1998, that allows any vested member of the Employees’ Retirement System (ERS) who becomes an employee of an employer normally covered by TRS to remain a member of the ERS. Also, any vested member of TRS who becomes an employee of an employer normally covered by the ERS may remain a member of TRS.

In each case the employee must make an election in writing to the respective retirement system within sixty days after the person’s employment date in a position covered by the other retirement system. Once the election is made it is irrevocable. Any employee making this election must complete the Membership Election for Vested Members of TRS or ERS Form (TRS-VM-1). This form is available under Forms.

Members and their employers will be required to make the appropriate contributions to the respective retirement system. If you hire an employee that is vested and elects to remain a member of ERS and you are not currently set up as a reporting employer with ERS then you must contact ERS to get established as a reporting employer. Likewise, if you are an ERS reporting employer and you hire an employee that is vested with TRS and elects to remain a member of TRS you must contact the Employer Services Division of TRS to get set up as a reporting employer with TRS.

More Information is available under Active Member → Vesting.