Since your employer remits your retirement contributions to TRS, we provide you with the opportunity to review your annual member statement online at any time by logging into your account. You should carefully review your statement at least yearly and report any discrepancies to TRS. It is recommended that you print and save a copy of your statement each year.

Information on your statement includes:

  • years and type of service for which you have retirement credit with TRS
  • interest credited to your account on June 30
  • your contributions as reported by your employer
  • purchases of service (if applicable)
  • a retirement benefit projection if you are vested
  • beneficiary(ies) designation(s)

Your statement also includes a message indicating that the information presented is subject to audit and adjustment. If you believe a discrepancy exists, you should contact TRS in writing. TRS will investigate the matter and notify you of any necessary adjustments or explanations.

Write to TRS at: Two Northside 75, Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 30318

The primary purpose of the annual statement is to allow you to verify the accuracy of your TRS account, and it is to your benefit to do so!

Note: TRS audits your account at the time you apply for retirement and corrections will be made if service credit and/or contribution errors are found.