As a member of TRS, the amount you contribute is determined by law, so you may not increase your contribution amount in an effort to increase your retirement benefit. However, there are things you can do to improve your retirement benefit.
- Your high average salary is key to your benefit; consider promotions and other means to increase your salary.
- Consider working longer to increase service credit; up to 40 years of service is allowed in TRS formula. Working longer may also increase your high average salary.
- Retain sick leave if possible. It’s common for career educators to add 2 years of service with unused sick leave.
- Consider buying available service purchases if you are eligible. For example,
- If you worked for an out-of-state public school system and did not vest, those years provide NO retirement pension. Consider moving years to Georgia.
- If you withdrew service from Georgia, it’s relatively inexpensive to buy.
- Maximizing Your Benefit
- Calculating Your Benefit
- Retirement Benefit Options
- Service Credit
- Unused Sick Leave Credit at Retirement
- Vesting
- Active vs Inactive Accounts
- Leaving Funds with TRS or Withdrawing Your Funds
- Annual Member Statement
- Life Changes
- Beneficiaries
- At Your Death – Survivor’s Benefits
- Disability Retirement
- Risk & Debt Management
- Insurance
- Supplementing Your TRS Benefit