When designating contact persons, you can name one staff member to serve as the contact for more than one TRS division; however, two staff members cannot share one contact position.
The Employer Services Division usually works with contacts from your payroll department. Retirement and Member Services Divisions generally work with your human resources (HR) contacts.
The payroll contact should be a staff member who processes and reports member contributions. The payroll contact will receive all correspondence and reports concerning TRS contribution reporting. If the payroll contact is not involved in your enrollment activities, you may choose to designate a separate HR contact. The HR contact receives correspondence and questions about enrollment, employee eligibility, and employment status changes.
TRS also requires that you designate a contact person who is identified as an Administrator. You may choose to designate a department head, manager, or director who oversees employees who are responsible for TRS-related duties. TRS will only contact this individual under special circumstances.
It is important that you notify TRS of changes in the contact person for your organization to ensure receipt of important updates from us.