If a member needs to correct a social security number, date of birth, name, or beneficiary, he/she will need to follow the instructions below. Important note:  please ensure that your records are updated, and that you are reporting the correct name, SSN, address, and birth date on information and contribution files you send to TRS.  Please note that active member address changes should be reported on your monthly contribution file.

Corrections in Social Security Number

Members who need to correct their social security number in TRS records must send TRS a copy of their social security card attached to a letter stating that the social security number in the records is incorrect.

Date of Birth

Members who need to correct the date of birth in their TRS records must send a written request, along with a copy of their birth certificate.

Name or Beneficiary Change

Active members can correct their own names as they appear in TRS records, if they provide the necessary legal documentation to support the change. Members can also revise their specified beneficiaries, as well as change the way in which their beneficiaries will receive any settlement (lump sum or monthly payments).

To make these changes, members can download the form (Form TRS-2B: Multiple Change Form) from www.trsga.com, under Active Members

NOTE:TRS will not accept out-of-date forms, so it is important that you direct your employees to the website to obtain current TRS forms.

Form TRS-2B has space for four primary beneficiaries and four secondary beneficiaries. Members who want to list additional beneficiaries may attach separate pages. Each separate page must be signed and dated. After completing the appropriate sections of Form TRS-2B according to the instructions provided, members should mail it to TRS. If Form TRS-2B is not properly completed it will be returned to the member for correction. A member’s record will not be updated until TRS receives the corrected form. TRS will send confirmation letters to members when the updates are completed.

Members should mail requests for corrections and Forms TRS-2B to the following address:

Teachers Retirement System of Georgia Suite 100 Two Northside 75 Atlanta, Georgia 30318-7901